Southwest Animal Hospital is proud to be able to offer grooming for our patients. Our groomer, Kay, has been grooming for over 25 years and she just simply awesome at what she does! Please take a look at some of her work below.
Bichon Frise
Pepe is 7 years old and has been visiting Kay and Southwest Animal Hospital since he was a puppy.
Pepe is ready to go home looking clean and so soft. He’s a love.
Although Oy is always brushed and well-groomed by his owner, it’s a lot of work and the client likes Oy in a lion cut.
This is exactly what the owner wanted…a body sleekly shaved and long hair left around the head/neck and at the end of the tail.
Although we think the long hair of the Pomeranian is pretty, it’s definitely work to keep the coat looking clean and well groomed.
A puppy cut makes grooming easier for the owner and cute, cute, cute.
Standard Poodle
Jackie’s beautiful brown eyes will look even more gorgeous after grooming. She is 9 years old and has been taken care of by the doctors at Southwest Animal Hospital and groomed by Kay all her life.
Jackie in a classic poodle cut. She looks ready for Westminister.